Oil and Gas

Anatec’s personnel have been working in offshore safety within the oil & gas industry since 1992 when the UK Offshore Safety Case became a legal requirement. Our staff have worked on a range of Safety Cases and supporting studies, but our specialism tends to be marine risk in which we perform specialist safety studies to help companies evaluate risk and make well founded decisions.
We work directly for major energy companies as well as being subcontracted by other consultants, engineering and design firms. We constantly strive to ensure we have the most comprehensive and up-to-date data and risk models to provide sound and rigorous assessments to our clients.
We have worked in all the major oil & gas regions of the world, at different stages of development (e.g., pre-FEED to decommissioning) and covering a range of facilities from wellhead platforms and drilling rigs to Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSOs) and large bridge-linked complexes.

For surface oil & gas installations, we have unique data and models to perform site-specific ship collision risk assessment for the following vessel types:
- Passing merchant traffic (e.g., cargo, tanker, passenger, etc.)
- Infield (attendant / visiting) vessels (e.g., Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (ERRV), Supply, Diving Support Vessel (DSV) & ROV Support Vessel (ROVSV), Crew Transfer, Walk to Work (W2W), etc.)
- Offtake shuttle tankers (e.g., tandem loading)
- Fishing vessels
For subsea infrastructure such as wellheads and pipelines, we most commonly perform fishing (trawl) and anchoring activity assessments and risk assessments based on potential interaction.
Outputs can be in the form of frequency versus consequence hazard curves and matrices covering risk to personnel, the environment, the asset and the business.
Please contact us if you would like to find out more about how we can assist with oil and gas operations.